Monday 4 April 2011

The Hangover

Well, it's the day after my outrageous party, and I might be suffering from the worst hangover known to Verona. What an awesome night… I might not remember a lot of it, but from the memories I have, the party was a great success. Even though my head is still pounding along to the beat of every dance, my stomach is turning with every step and my ears are still ringing with Tybalt’s irksome rant. Lord, why can’t the boy just learn patience, or acceptance, maybe some tolerance as well? What a difficult child; however, I’m used to difficult children. I would have thought that Juliet would be excited to hear of Paris’s wish for her hand in marriage. Even if my girl is yet 14, she would make a beautiful bride, and weddings are the perfect excuse to get shit faced. Again. Awee yeaahhh.



  1. Uncle you are the one that let the traiter Montagues into our party, and let them stay there, wrecking the fun. And that villain Romeo was making a move on your daughter. If she runs away with him, it's your own damn fault. He doesn't deserve to be on this earth, let alone in your house. He NEEDS to be destroyed.

  2. Yes sir,
    That was one hell of a party. Im sorry for any disturbance that was on my behave. But I WILL have your daughter. Juliet is a beautiful rose and Paris is an infectious weed!

  3. You almost ruined my party tybalt you snot faced weasle. Learn to control yourself or you're off the guest list, romeo, I dont want you around my daughter anymore or something might just happen to you. An "accident".

  4. How dare you throw a party after our our huge brawl.

  5. It was as fine a party as I would expect from a Capulet; for I have seen better by better than you.

  6. well maybe you could've been invited if your blood wasnt so filthy.

  7. Good man, I can assure you Juliet is very happy to someday be my wife. I mean, look at me. Why wouldn't she be?

    Tybalt, I believe you should see someone for these feelings of anger you are feeling. I would listen to your problems, but I'm too concerned about mine to genuinely care.


  8. Young man, a good cure for that hangover is lots of water, and a hot cloth for your forehead.

    xoxo Nurse
