Thursday 21 April 2011


Interviewer: Hello, I have a few questions regarding the happenings around here in Verona. There have been several deaths around here, first Mercutio then Tybalt, Romeo being banished and now your daughter, do think they are connected?

Lord Capulet: No, they are all non related events, except for the Mercutio and Tybalt death, Romeo deserved to be banished. My daughter’s death was untimely, she must have gotten that terrible flu that’s going around and just passed away in her sleep, it’s too bad she didn’t marry Paris before she died, would have been nice to have a new son in law.

Interviewer: Now it’s been debated over how she died, some say it was this “flu” but I believe it could have been suicide since the death of Tybalt really shook her up and she had been angry about marrying Paris but gave in at the last minute about it, does this raise any suspicions in the Capulet household?

Lord Capulet: No, I do not believe any of your stupid superstitions, I know she wanted to marry Paris because he is such a great man of course she would want him. Yes she was stirred because of Tybalts death but not enough to kill herself. This is none of your business so stop snooping around!

Interviewer: Fair enough, do you feel Prince was fair to banish Romeo? Or do you think he should have given a harsher punishment?

Lord Capulet: Prince was being generous, Romeo killed Tybalt, he deserves to die, I’m going to hunt him down and avenge Tybalts death. Juliet wasn’t wanting me to kill him but she’s dead so who cares?

Interviewer: Are these deaths making the feud between you and the Montague worse?

Lord Capulet: They help fuel the fire; I hate the Montagues with a passion. To me, they are nothing more than a bunch of hooligans. I’m glad we took out their biggest fighter, and us Capulets are all fighters, it only makes sense we keep fighting until they are all gone, then the world can be at peace.

Interviewer: Okay, final question, so what have you done to help the economy in Verona?

Lord Capulet: Oh well I’m glad you asked, I recently removed a tax on cabbage sales so its now free to sell them in the streets, I heard the people really wanted this tax removed so I brought it up on council and I’m looking at an increase of cabbage in our markets. Currently I’m working on trying to open up new jobs, I’ve been hiring street people to make anonymous assaults on the Montagues. It’s been working quite well, I’ve been watching as more Montague followers have converted to our market, business has never been better!


  1. Why did you try to get Juliet to marry Paris?... Look what its done to her.

  2. Our deaths should not fuel the fire, but rather extinguish it. Should your head be on your shoulders you should see that too.

  3. Lord Capulet, if this is how you react to such devestation; you must realize that you alone are fueling more than your share of the feud. I would like to ask the people who post after me; should we frame Capulet and have him executed by the prince to end the feud? Seriously consider this.

  4. How do you think the Prince was being generous, your Tybalt killed our Mercutio and Romeo was just defending his honor and if Tybalt wasnt such a troublemaker none of this would have happened. So why take it out on Romeo?
